Sunday 12 July 2015

Life Update

As you are aware, I haven't posted on here for a while so I think a little life update is needed as to explain my disappearance. I didn't think I'd be saying this so early in my life but my Nannan passed away a few weeks ago. My heads been all over the place and I've just been spending time with my family and with my nan in hospital before she passed. This past month has been the most bizarre of my entire life. Up until 4 weeks ago, my nan was still working and life was completely normal, this whole ordeal has come as a massive shock.

I don't want this post to be a very long one or a very sad one, because as my nan used to say, nobody wants to hear it. My blog is my little place of fun, trying new products, different make up looks and talking with all other beauty enthusiasts. I just wanted to give you a little explanation of why my blog has been so quiet recently. Things are slowly sinking and in and as a family we're trying to get back to some sort normality and I thought it was time to start blogging again. I know my nan would be furious if I kept myself to myself in the depressed little bubble I've been in the past couple of weeks, so I need to start living again.

I hope you're all doing okay and they'll be more posts soon.
Emma x